The 2022 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, the Gaze of QTI

2022 has marked important milestones for quantum technologies, under both the industrial and scientific profiles.
The probably most well-known and important achievement has been the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger.
Quantum Randomness

Randomness is involved in different domains of modern society. It is a very complicated concept, that has been vastly exploited using techniques coming from classical physics, which is a deterministic theory. Quantum technologies can solve this problem because quantum mechanics is intrinsically probabilistic, that is the behaviour of quantum systems exhibits inherent randomness.
Deploying the first inter-European quantum network

Advanced Quantum Technologies has just published the results of the first public demonstration of an inter-European quantum communication network established, during the G20 meeting in Trieste, by a group of scientists that realized an encrypted communication between Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. The amount of internet traffic is increasing tremendously every year, as is the number […]
The future of quantum internet: QTI CTO, Davide Bacco, awarded with a ERC Starting Grant

The ERC Starting Grant is among the most prestigious prizes for research worldwide. This year, QTI CTO Davide Bacco is among the winners.
QTI signs an MoU on quantum security of the Transalpine Pipeline

QTI, Telsy and SIOT-TAL signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the deployment of QKD systems for the quantum security of the Transalpine Pipeline. The three companies presented the initiative on 18 October 2022, at the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Headquarters in Trieste.
Quantum and Aerospace at Farnborough International Airshow

The quantum industry is gaining an higher and higher level of development in the telecommunications market, mainly focusing on optical fiber infrastructures. In parallel, the quantum world is turning its eyes to the above elaborating effective solutions also for satellite free space Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).
Quantum computers and their threat to modern cryptography

Quantum computers exploit the laws of quantum mechanics to perform calculations, in principle, substantially faster than classical computers. The security of today’s cryptography will potentially be broken, in the next future, by the upcoming quantum machines.